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Christian Walk

It’s All About You…

>(written 10.20.08) It’s All About You… Help me to remember, LordThat You are in control;No matter what this day may bringOr how life takes its toll. In every circumstance, I prayThat YOU will lead me toYour precious arms that hold me tightAnd take me safely through. And may my goal...

It’s the Little Things…

>(written 11.18.08) Last night, i was in a place of total appreciation for the little things in life… dinner out with my family (as a treat), a good cup of coffee, things like that. It was refreshing. I could literally feel my eyes sparkling. Today, I am reminded that we need to...

Just As We Are

>About a week ago, I watched a friend’s son sing his heart out. What a blessing to watch someone who has completely turned over his life to be used by God. Someone so gifted, who has decided that he wants Jesus to be the reason for his song… Tears just flowed from my eyes...

The First Post

>1 Timothy 1:16 says, “…I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display His unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life.” We all have a story. After 35 years, I have finally come to the...