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40 by 40


I recently turned 39. What? When we were kids, 40 seemed ANCIENT. Now it’s right around the corner for me.

My friend Rosann created a 40 by 40 list after her 39th birthday… and she has inspired me to add a little intentionality to some of my goals. I’m sharing the list with you guys because I need some accountability!! So in no particular order, here we go…

  1. Say no to at least 3 things that are GOOD things, but not GOD things.
  2. See a game in another ball park that I haven’t been to (an item on my bucket list is to see a baseball game in every major league park… so far I’m at 7).
  3. Clean and organize our house thoroughly.
  4. Pull all of our pictures together and organize them. Start scrapbooks, picture CDs, and video compilations.
  5. Run another half marathon.
  6. Write (completely) my first book and at least have the publishing process begun.
  7. Go to Disney World with my family.
  8. Become consistent in my time with God. Not for box checking’s sake, but to grow closer to Him.
  9. Show my husband (through consistent actions) the priority that he is to me.
  10. Read at least one book a month that helps me grow.
  11. Learn how to play barre chords.
  12. Move to the next level in my guitar playing (which includes #11, 13, 37, 38)
  13. Become stronger at singing while playing.
  14. Read completely through the Bible.
  15. Become more consistent at cooking for my family.
  16. Take a 2-3 day sabbatical specifically for clearing my head, spending time with the Lord, and creating a plan for adding intentionality into my life.
  17. Trust more (I know this is very open-ended). 🙂
  18. Create some form of extra income to help my family.
  19. Start couponing.
  20. Lose 20 pounds.
  21. Become a consistent prayer warrior.
  22. I’ve noticed that “consistency” is a big thing in a few of mine… So, I want to add more consistency and discipline into my life.
  23. Pay for a stranger’s meal at a drive-thru.
  24. Organize our family’s routine.
  25. Set (and follow through on) monthly family game nights.
  26. Have a getaway with my husband (we haven’t done this in 3 years).
  27. Sell our current house and be moved into a new home…. The one we want to raise our kids in.
  28. Sell all of the stuff I’ve been adding to my “sell on ebay” pile in the garage.
  29. Run a mile in 7 minutes.
  30. Run a 5k in 25 minutes.
  31. Create consistent bedtime/morning routine with my kids.
  32. Be intentional about showing my kids that I love Jesus. Not just that I spend a lot of time at church.
  33. Help someone who can do nothing for me in return.
  34. Set aside time every week to be artsy. Write, play, etc. I don’t take creative time for myself enough.
  35. Get over myself.
  36. Start playing tennis again.
  37. Take a music theory class.
  38. Learn at least 20 new guitar chords.
  39. Do something creative and special for my husband each month.
  40. Create a plan to make all of this stuff happen. 🙂

It’s a pretty intense list, but I’ve given it a lot of thought. Lord, help me as I work on this list over the next 11 months!

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