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RE:FOCUS – Think On These Things, Part 2

This is the second Monday that we are talking about Philippians 4:8. Our thoughts define our actions, and we need to examine ourselves constantly to make sure we are focusing on things that are healthy. God’s Word outlines it pretty clearly. Instead of thinking on things that will hurt...

RE:FOCUS – Think On These Things

Our minds are constantly bombarded with all kinds of input, some good and some bad. We are influenced (sometimes subconsciously) by what we watch, what we read, what and WHO we listen to, and any other outside forces in our lives. Thought patterns of anxiety, impurities, selfishness...


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No Pain, No Gain.

>Sometimes life just hurts. We lose people suddenly to tragedy, sicknesses come upon us, friends move away. Sometimes things hurt so much that you just ache, inside and out. Recently, I’ve been dealing with facing a painful situation in my life and have gone through a lot of different...

Love Me

>Do you sometimes feel like no one really loves you for who you are and not what you can do for them? Do you sometimes expect too much out of people? Maybe you even have trouble seeing God except through the lenses of “godly people” in your life. I struggle with all of this myself. A...