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Tune-In Tuesday: More Than Words

Welcome to Tune-In Tuesday! If this is your first time visiting on a Tuesday, I hope you will find this as a place to worship together. Each week, I share about a song that God is using in my life. One that is speaking to me in whatever season I may be going through. The invitation is for you to jump in and do it, too! This year my goal is nothing more than “toward Him.” Basically, my prayer is that we will all begin to seek Him like we never have before… starting this year. So for Tuesdays, pick a song that leads you to Him.

Here are the steps:

  1. Pick a worship song, share it, and write about it… one that points your heart straight to Jesus.
  2. Link up here using the linky tool at the bottom of this post. Use the name of your song as the title of your link. (If you haven’t done this before, feel free to email me with questions.) If you don’t have a blog, you can leave a comment sharing your song. ***Please use the permalink to your post, not your blog’s main site. Because of the specialized nature of this weekly series, any links that are not specifically for Tune-In Tuesday will be deleted.***
  3. Visit other people’s blogs and let them know you stopped by.
  4. Spread the word. Grab the button in the left column and add it to your post. That way, others can link up, as well. Tweet about it… Try to get others in on the conversation.
  5. Worship! 🙂

Today’s song is a little different. It’s more of a tribute to a Christian artist who, over a period of 25 years, has poured his life into us through music. Steven Curtis Chapman. This year marks his 25th year of writing music that has led us straight to Jesus. Unlike some others, he has stayed true to Christ-music. Not only that, we have seen his family go through trials over the years that none of us want to begin to imagine. And even with the added stress of having to deal with it all in the public eye, he has stayed faithful to Christ. I’m thankful for his example.
Our friend Phillip wrote a post last week about his top 5 favorite SCC albums. He thought it would be a good idea for me to write about a song from MY favorite SCC album. Yes, great idea! As I have listened back through the songs from More To This Life, I’ve been reminded of days back in the 90s when I listened to this album over and over. So which song did I pick to write about? More Than Words. Listen below and then keep reading…

We all know that words mean nothing unless they are backed up by actions. Sometimes our prayers can become rote. We just pick words and say them…. sometimes because it’s just what we’ve always done. God knows all those words. I believe He instead wants us to open our hearts and really share. To go beyond the church words and the stuff that we hide behind.

SCC was writing about that. That we should give Jesus our whole hearts. Not just empty words. But the fullness of the lives that we live everyday. God gave us more than words. He gave us the words on the pages, yes. But He gave us something even better. His son in the flesh. He demonstrated to us what real love is. His love truly was shown to us (and is shown everyday) with much more than words.

May we be able to say these words to God…

But if I had every word and a thousand years to use them,
What You are to me would still be more, oh, so much more, more than words.

…and mean them.

Thanks so much, Steven Curtis Chapman, for allowing God to use you in so many people’s lives. Your testimony, your ministry, and the music that comes from your pen… all show a true example of a man sold out to Christ.

In continuing tribute to SCC’s music, make sure you stop by Phillip’s blog and read about his favorite SCC albums and songs! 🙂 There are two different posts: Top 5 Steven Curtis Chapman Albums and Top 10 Steven Curtis Chapman Songs.

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