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I Wanna Do It!

When I set him down in the big boy swing, the first thing he said was “I wanna do it… I wanna do it!”

It’s become his favorite phrase.

At first, I started pushing him, knowing that he would need my help to get started. Then after listening to him fight me for about a minute, I let go. At first he kept swinging along just fine. Then he started slowing down, little by little, until finally…

He stopped.

Then he got angry again. “Help me, Mommy!”

Does this sound familiar? As I wrestled this end-of-the-world problem with my 2-year-old, I realized that this is how it is with God and me. He wants to help me. He wants to push me, to guide me, to lead me in the direction (and at the speed) that He wants me to go.

But more often than not, I scream “I wanna do it!” and my swing comes to a stop again. It’s pretty much in park right now. I’m thankful Jesus hears me when I cry for help.

We can’t live this life in our own strength. Without Him, we may think we’re doing okay for a while, but eventually our lives will end up at a standstill. We’ll hit the bottom. Then we’ll wonder how in the world we got there.

Instead of going there, let’s call out for His help… our Creator God, the only One who can lead us in the path that was carved out for us before we were born. Let’s offer our lives to Him and let Him push our swings.

He must increase, but I must decrease. – John 3:30


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