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Worship Wednesday: Close to You


Since Highlands Worship’s new CD was released, it is basically all I listen to. So today, I’m sharing another song that is quickly becoming one of my favorite private worship songs… It’s called Close to You. A very simple, repetitive song, but one with a very profound message.

One of the debates in the worship wars is repetition in modern worship songs versus the depth of hymns. I have a lot of thoughts on this topic, but just to share a bit of my heart, here is my answer to anyone who asks me about this: Even if a song repeats lyrics 100 times, if you REALLY get the meaning and it changes your life, wouldn’t you call that a form of depth? For instance, in Close to You, “Jesus, You’re my everything” is repeated a bunch. Well… if we all got to the point where Jesus was truly our everything, how different do you think the church would be? Just a thought… Maybe I’ll talk more about this later. Hope you guys experience the depth I do when I listen to this song…

Close to You by Highlands Worship

I want to know You… I want to know You
I will set my eyes on You and no one else
I long for You, pull me closer
I collapse within Your truth, I’m falling fast
You guard my life, I surrender

Jesus, You’re my everything… You’re my everything (2 times)

Only You, my Lord, Jesus
How I long to see Your face, to know Your voice
To look at You… in Your wonder
I am nothing without You, alone in doubt
But when I cry, You will answer

Jesus, You’re my everything… You’re my everything (4 times)

You’re my everything (4 times)

I want to be close to You, I want to be close to You, my Lord (4 times)

Jesus, You’re my everything… You’re my everything (2 times)

You’re my everything, You’re my everything (2 times)

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