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Worship Wednesday: Preparing More Than Our Instruments

Most Wednesdays, we talk about corporate worship. What we do on Sundays. The songs we sing. But over the past few weeks, we’ve talked more about private worship, learning from Beach Baby and the weather.

Today is about both. How one feeds into the other.

I’m reading a book called The Worshiping Artist by Rory Noland. If you are involved in the worship team at your church, I highly recommend it. The more I read, the more my heart resonates. Here’s my story of an experience birthed from the study of this book…


Something was different. I could feel it. Although I noticed the same things, they didn’t matter. Somehow. It was almost a subconscious thing. I could feel myself thinking about the issues, but somehow that thought process was on a different plane.

Things were not perfect on Sunday (starting with my own boo-boos), but none of it even mattered. Things are never going to be perfect. What mattered in my mind was that I knew the hearts of the people on the platform. Their hearts for seeking God’s leadership, for serving Him, and for leading others. And it was the best corporate worship experience I’ve had in a long, long time.

Why? Because the only thing at the forefront of my mind was finding Him and leading them to find Him.

My heart was prepared for worship, and it made all the difference in the world.

Maybe this doesn’t make sense to you, but it’s been on my mind since Sunday. As members of a worship team, it is our responsibility to not only prepare our instruments, but also our minds and hearts… before we even come into the worship center. If we spend all the time in the world practicing the music, but neglect to have our own private worship times, we have failed. When we come in on Sunday, if the thoughts consuming our minds are about getting the notes we’re playing or singing right, what we don’t like about the worship set, tech issues, the person standing beside us, etc. etc. etc…   we have failed.

God is calling us to something higher. He is calling us to worship Him throughout the week so that we can lead the people on Sunday.

We have to let it sink in to our hearts that Sunday should not be our worship check box for the week. It’s not about us. It’s not about “our time” to worship. It is the time for believers, who have been worshiping throughout the week, to praise Jesus TOGETHER. And we have a responsibility of being prepared to help seekers find Him. Sunday should be an outpouring of what God has been doing in our hearts throughout the week.

When we have that mindset ingrained, our Sunday morning worship experiences will be closer to what God had in mind.

So what is God teaching you about worship? I would love to hear how God is working in your heart! Feel free to link up or post a comment below to share with all of us…

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