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Not Just The Perfect Ones

My heart is continually drawn to the ocean. Not sure why, but it seems like God speaks to me more clearly when those waves are roaring around me.

About a month ago, my mom and I took Beach Baby to Cherry Grove for a couple of days. That little boy teaches me so much. All of my kids do really, but there is something about the third child that makes everything more noticeable.

He loved crawling around on the sand… seeing what interesting things he could find… things that he would eventually put up to his mouth so Mommy could shout “NO!” The seashells intrigued him. He picked up shells and flipped them over, seemed to observe every ridge, every hole, every color, every little crevice. Here’s a glimpse of how he spent quite a bit of time on the beach that day…

Do you know what I noticed? Beach Baby didn’t just pick up the perfect shells. He wanted every one of them. As adults, we tend to throw back the shells that have a slight imperfection in them. No reason to keep them.

This is not the way of our Heavenly Father. If he threw us back when He found imperfection, He would have no servants. And this is how God wants us to be with the people in our lives.

Full of grace. Free of judgment. Full of love. Free of hate. Full of finding the good in others. Free of discarding people when they disappoint us… or when they’re not perfect.

Each day, may we find the good in God’s creations. We are all fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. We all have flaws, but we are also all created to be a part of the team.

So is there an imperfect “shell” in your life that you have thrown back? Maybe today is the day to more carefully examine it… and find the beauty in the mess.

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. – Psalm 139:13-14a

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