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Five Minute Friday: Ache…

I haven’t joined in a Five Minute Friday for a while… but this one resonated with what my heart has been dealing with this week. For those of you who are new to this concept, Five Minute Fridays are hosted by Lisa-Jo. She challenges us to write for five minutes… no editing… no correcting. Just for the sake of writing. It is a good prompt exercise, and really gets to the art of our words. Want to join us? Make sure you stop by today.


It comes and goes with the seasons… the months… the weeks… the moments.

That ache that won’t seem to leave me alone for good.

It comes back with a word spoken, a glance given, an insecure feeling on my part. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason. It just hits me. That ache from days past.

The ache of guilt.

The ache of who I was.

The ache of judgment.

The ache of bitterness.

The ache of feeling as though I’m not good enough.

The ache of never living up.

These aches feel like gentle waves in my heart, coming and going softly during different times in my life. But like crashing waves in my mind, never wanting to let me forget. Wanting to make sure I keep at the forefront that I’ll never measure up.

I don’t even know exactly what it is… that deep feeling in the pit of my soul. The emptiness that I can never fill. The ache that can only be soothed by One.

There is One who wants to take away my ache… to bring me to a place of surrender… and fulfillment.

After enough giving in to the ache, I finally give in to His ointment.


Want to join us in this quick writing exercise? Jump in by clicking on the button below:

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